10-19-2009, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by winmonewbie
Originally Posted by cjennin2
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Hi winmo, yes still happening. I tried adding a second manual location but that didn't work. Strange how it worked fine on 10/13 build. Maybe a diff radio would help even though running same radio that worked with last build.
On a separate note, I absolutely love the 10/14 build! Fastest one yet and great battery life so far on my particular phone. Thanks NRG!
Hmmm, strange little quirk this one is. Mine works with multiple cities and with My Location as the only city. I was thinking some kind of network issue as well. So a new radio may help, maybe try a totally different carrier's radio. Have you noticed it changing location as you drive around town. Here in Tampa it seems to change very frequently, giving me names of small towns as I drive. Dont know how you confirmed the network but to get total clarity on the roaming front, you could try putting it on No Roam, soft reset, update My Location and see what happens. If working, put it on Roam only, soft reset, update and see if it returns. Just thinking out loud.....trying everything before I say "the word" (whisper) re-flash. 
Yeah I thought about reflashing too and then out of the blue it's working again like before. I just don't get it and don't really care as long as it is working. It is a simple yet very useful and cool feature. Thanks for the help and suggestions though