Originally Posted by rileyd5
not sure what you me PMDColeslaw. Sorry if this has already been mentioned but are you saying that the data is always on for you. In that case the device would drain in 2 hrs or less. Have you installed battery monitor? Mine when idle always shows between 75 -93ma while lit depending on the light conditions, and it drops to 13ma while sleep. now it will fire up while sleeping for syncing mail or other purposes but the data is not always on. In notifications there is a running meter on top but that isn't telling you that data is active continously.
Yes thats correct. the phone is dead from 100% charge in about 4-6 hours with this latest build. The data icon in the top bar shows connected and it flashes like it does when using opera or whatever... I've checked and nothing in fdc is running that would be causing this so I'm at a loss.
Calk, I was using the rhodium tachi dialer, but I installed the cab dialer that was mentioned a couple pages ago and I still have the same issue.