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Old 10-19-2009, 07:59 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

I have the Pre and I think the UI and OS is truly amazing. It is incredibly intuitive and easy to use and it all just makes sense. Unfortunately, I do not see the Pre being a major player in the smartphone game, whereas I think Android will be and thus there will continue to be more development for Android than there will be for WebOS. However, having used both, the Hero didn't do much for me and I feel that WebOS is a superior OS.

The keyboard takes a little getting used to, but once you learn to trust it and your fingers without really looking, you will notice you can type quite fast and with great accuracy. The current themes available are great and very extensive and as Coz mentioned, the app list is continuing to grow. I certainly hope the Pre does well because the OS is fantastic.
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