ALOT of people have asked me about this plugin, saying theyve seen it, well.. here it is!
EDIT: App May not work on ALL devices ( people with mogul have had trouble
today-plugin, which shows the remaining battery load of the main battery... and MANY other things In addition to that, it can invoke the DeviceLock on wakeup of the device and overclock the omap cpu to a customizeable cpuclock.(Only on Htc Prophet) Also has a task Manager, and Tray launcher (wich can Enable, AND disable Bluetooth, and wifi!) BEST TODAY APP EVER
WARNING. Use the latter one at your own risk ! It CAN damage your device !
Home Page Of Battery Status
The cab:
And The OEM (for the kitchen users):
PS: i made the oem myself.. tell me if i can make any improvements.... im pretty new at this..