Wirelessly posted (HTC-P4600/1.2 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))
Ok Everyone,
I've been using NRG ROMs for a long time now and I have never had any of the dialer, battery and SMS problems that everyone talks about. I have always did the Flash Dance from stock and everything worked great. Well, that was then. With 1014 I've been having all of the above problems. It started with not being able to call a dialed in number. Neither the Talk button or the hard key would work. I did a hard reset and a restore and that problem went away. Then my battery started draining very fast without even using my phone. Now I'm losing SMS messages. They just disappear. I in no way believe that this is a ROM problem!! I believe that I got a bad flash from the very beginning. Tomorrow morning I am going to flash back to stock and start again with 1014. I am really curiuos to find out if these problems will go away with a new Flash Dance. Again, I have never had any of these problems before.
I just wanted to write this and hope to prove that most problems begin with a corrupt flash.