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Old 10-19-2009, 05:15 PM
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Re: Battery Issue Fix *Temp*

Originally Posted by ToxicToastKatz View Post
THANKS!! (I hit the button too).

So far it does seem to be working. I turned off the notifications and auto-retrieval in the native sms client and turned on the notifications in Handcent. I also went into a contact and acted like i was going to send a text so that I could choose Handcent to be the default app to send texts from (thus, clearing it from the manage apps menu). As of right now, my up time and awake time are different (i believe at 65% or so). The big test will be after a full day's use and texting. Thanks for the help on this. I'll hit the topic back if something goes awry tomorrow.
Ok, so here's what I've got so far from about 8.5 hours off of the charger after making the above listed changes and utilizing Handcent as my default SMS app:

Off charger at 7:30AM with 100% charge
Current State at 4:00PM:
30% battery remaining
"Up Time" = 17h16min
"Awake Time" = 3h41min (21%)
Usage (phone calls, browser, etc) has been very light. No phone calls, a few texts incoming and maybe 4 minutes on the browser.
Automatic Usage is set up pretty much as frequently as possible (Exchange Server syncronization, Google Sync for mail, Facebook and Twitter updates are on most frequent selections, weather is fairly frequent and GPS is on all the time)

I think at this point yesterday, I was pretty much at a dead battery, so I do believe that the Handcent workaround is doing SOMETHING. I guess my question to whoever can provide insight is this:

Shouldn't and Awake Time of 21% conserve quite a bit more battery than an Awake Time of 100%? Don't get me wrong, wtih the frequencies that I have all of the applications updating/refreshing I would expect the battery to not last quite as long as if none of the stuff was updated that frequently, however, I was just thinking that with such a difference in awake times, the battery would last quite a bit longer.

Personally, with everything that is going on with my phone, if I can squeeze 12 hours out of it w/o a charge, I'm pretty happy. Am I setting the bar too low? What is everyone else seeing with this kind of usage and updating? LIke I said, 12 hours, to me, isn't too bad, but if other people are getting 14-16 hours with the same usage i'd like to hear some tips.

Thanks guys.
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