Originally Posted by hseldon
Thanks NagRom for the excellent job!
Some question...
Meybe it's not really about subject ... but may be You help ...
New version [WM6.5.1 Build 23071] have no standard X-Button in the upper right corner of the screen,
it have the large X-Button in the lower right corner, but in this new button not available feature Tap-and-Hold - Close Application (Full close with free memory).
In most cases, I just need to close applications rather than "minimize".
For close application i must load Task Manager and Stop Applcation ... it's absolutely inconvenient.
How to restore a standard X-Button in the upper right corner of the screen or how to teach a new button in the lower right corner Tap-and-hold (Close Application) future?
old programs (HTC X-Button don't working)
By default, after installation Camera2 fails Camera-Button (wrong link).
I have fix in the registry camera.lnk->camera2.lnk, but it not good for simple users ... needs to fix.
If you go back and read this thread your question has been answered about 30 times. The answer is, there is no way to get back what you had before. You must use the task manager (you can try an app calls Showcase but I don't like it). Windows Mobile has build in memory management and it will auto kill apps when it needs memory. So, don't worry about it. Just use your phone and WM will make sure you have enough memory.