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Old 10-19-2009, 02:05 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by srk468 View Post
Thanks 3, I kinda figured I'd have to reflash (I really need to figure out Samsashi) looks like I'll be awake till 3:00 am again tonight
If you're gonna spend the time reconfiguring, spend it following MURDUCKYS SASHIMI Guide...seriously dude, I wouldn't steer you wrong. His thread makes cake work of SASHIMI. It does take a few hours, depending on how hardcore your set up is, but once it's's done. I usuaally flash a new build without auto-UC...look around ot see what tweeks are preinstalled, make whatever adjustments I need to [removing cabs and tweek sthat arn't needed, then I do my hard reset [which I always do after a flash] with the sashimi configured storage card and let it run my auto-UC that time.'s NOT worth setting the device up every time you hard reset. dthe more complex your configuration gets, the more of a P in the A it is.

Originally Posted by pmoreau View Post
I guess the only difficult part would be knowing and finding which keys to export, unless there is some tool to compare before and after images of the registry after installing an app.

Know of any such program?

Edit: I primarily refer to registration keys...
I think Sashimi will do a full reg image, but i wouldn't recommend it...seems l ike a recipe for problems. Murducky's Guide highlights the most common reg edits you'd want to back up for various features. Anything else would be something you were doing normally. I think I use SKTools or Total Commander to export reg keys.

Originally Posted by eltee View Post
HTML email failing to render in 10-14

Has anyone else seen this issue? It worked fine on all the September images... and it seems to be happening regardless of what settings I tell it to use for the email client. (happens both with the exchange based email, and just generic web mail (yahoo/google/etc).

It just displays a blank mail content. even for messages which looked fine yesterday on the old rom (before i flashed). Text email (non html formatted) renders just fine.

They are downloaded, i.e. show the 'message downloaded' envelope in the mail list, and they do display the proper size i.e. 25k, 30k, etc (whatever the full html size is), they just remain blank/unviewable when selected
I think that's a bad flash. I may be misunderstanding the issue, but I've had an issue in the past where the envelopes in TouchFlo don't display even thoiugh everything else tells me there's mail and I can still go in and view them.


Originally Posted by srk468 View Post
Thanks Root, I've been meaning to read up on it but I've been strapped for time lately (typing this in my dump truck running up the highway LOL) but I have another issue and I'm not sure if it's related to a bad flash because 9-20 did it too, my camera always takes pics the wrong way, in other words you have to rotate the pic counter clockwise to view it right. Anyone else have that issue or do you think it's part of the bad flash?
...bad flash still - the camera rotation issues shoudl have been addressed in the last build. smiley with this right now! Me with my killfast stock ROM:
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