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Old 10-19-2009, 11:31 AM
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Re: NES and Gameboy Emulators

Originally Posted by stevenp1200 View Post
I've been doing some research and got a copy of Nesoid and another gameboy emulator. Looked cool, but neither had controllers. I guess they were made for the G1 and its hardware keyboard
You have to set up the keyboard and buttons. Menu, settings, then key settings and virtual keypad. On Duck Hunt you have to enable Light gun so when you tap the screen it acts like you are shooting the birds. (Hint-you have to "lead" the bird, tapping the screen before it gets to where its going.

Originally Posted by ObsoleteE View Post
What is it called, there are a lot of different emulators I see. Some with bad comments too. Where are you getting roms from?
Im using Nesoid and Gameboid. ROM's, i cant really say on an open forum, but if you want the site, PM me.

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