This is the script (sanitized, mind you)
cd c:\users\ispmo151\downloads\winmo\upload
set path = "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\";%path%
rar a "c:\users\ispmo151\Downloads\WinMO\upload\RZ.rar" "C:\Users\ispmo151\Downloads\WinMO\AAA - Kitchens\RZ Baseline3.2 Kitchen v2.1" -mt2 -m5 -ag[yyyy-mm-dd] >> C:\users\ispmo151\downloads\WinMO\upload\LOG.TXT
for /F %%a in ('dir /b *.rar') do set FILE=%%a
echo user> upload.scr
echo pass>> upload.scr
echo bin>> upload.scr
echo lcd c:\users\ispmo151\downloads\winmo\upload>> upload.scr
echo cd>> upload.scr
echo bye>> upload.scr
ftp -i -s:upload.scr
del %FILE%
I will then just set this as a scheduled task in windows for midnight every night.
oh yeah, those paths are obviously for my set-up, if you just copy and paste it will most likely not work for you.