Originally Posted by Guero
But I am not using wallpaper files just a slider?
You don't have to. When you hit Cab Creator in HDWall, in order to keep the original files (as opposed to completely deleting and replacing them) you have to uncheck that box. HDWall was created for wallpapers and sliders, but if you are doing simple manila work, the cab creator that is in it is great. Just test it and you'll see what I mean.
When you open up HDWall, click the "Create Cab" button.
You can then choose the cab file destination (Destination CAB file), name the cab whatever you want it to be (Application Title), and choose the files you want to add (Folder Browser).
Once you know what you want to add, select them all and click the "Add Files" button.
That is where you uncheck the "Delete Wallpaper Manila Files after CAB creation".
Then click the "Create CAB" button.
Your done.