Power Vision $15 -- now including SprintTV & PictureMail
I had a $15 PowerVision plan, and now received a mailing from Sprint offering a $15 PowerVision plan which includes:
Limitless Email and IMs
LImitless Web
Limitless Local Search
Limitless Sprint PicutreMail
Sprint Radio
Sprint TV
NFL Mobile
I know that at least the Picture Mail and Sprint TV were NOT included in the plan I had so I called them and they changed me to the new plan including them.
Question is that the mailing says to use Limitless Web: from your phone's main menu, select Web > then select a category, and to use Limitless Local Search: from your phone's main menu, seleact Web > enter search term > click on Search.
When I go to the Web on my Touch the site that comes up is that stupid Sprint Powerdeck site. How do I get to the page showing these menus & options?
And, is the limitless local search mentoned the same thing as the Microsoft Local Search?