Originally Posted by NetApex
Quick question for those of you having the problems... Do you have Facebook, and are those contacts syncing with Facebook information? I have found Facebook to constantly alert me of my contacts birthdays too early causing the "Happy Birthday... I mean.. for tomorrow" message to be sent often.
yes...they are. hmmmmm could it be because of this when its linked by birthday??? oh wait no its not. because the date was wrong as soon as it was synced and not linked to facebook. this was for all 3 contacts.
Originally Posted by Drewman247
I noticed it tells you what is next on your calendar.. If you go into the caledar application you will see the birthday on the correct date. Also check to see if your birthday is an all day even starting from 12am till 1159pm.. if your phone has a time issue I have see it will cause the event to shift an hour. This would cause it to start at 11pm no 12am..
i only set up birthdays in the contact sheet. i have the default reminders turned off. i check the time setting on both outlook and the phone and bother are in the same zone.