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Old 10-18-2009, 04:52 PM
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Battery drain from stock SMS app known issue with Hero

Don't think this has pbeen posted yet but been following it from another forum.

Indeed HTC is working on a fix for these issues, but here is what You can do to fix the application in the mean time.
I was getting 2 hours "Heavy" (texting,data,wifi,high brightness) use before.
I read somewhere that there it is a battery issue caused by the default HTC (or android, idk) application.
The work around is for sms to something other than the included app as the default action for text messaging.
This is accomplished installing another handcent sms or various other apps that you may find by going to the market and searching SMS.
after installation go to the contacts list and send a text to a contact.
A screen should pop up and ask which messaging app you would like to use.
If i does not ask you, then you should go to Settings> Applications> Manage Applications> It will take a minute while your phone computes the space taken up by each app.
Click Messages> and Tick Clear defaults if it is available.
Viola! substantial battery boost and faster charges.
you can verify that your phone is now using less power by rebooting
then shut of your screen by pressing the end key wait for 1-5 mins mins without touching it...
now quickly
settings> about phone> status all the way at the bottom your phones "Awake Time" (not up time) should be below %40 (mine is between 10-40%) day to day

I have also heard that by letting you device go to sleep immidiately after turning it on it enters a weird device state that causes %100 cpu usage which also causes the battery drain and phone not able to sleep.

So to summarize, it seems like once you send a text using the stock SMS app on the phone, the phone will no longer sleep even while shutting the screen off. It also seems to happen if you restart the phone and allow the phone to go to sleep on it's own before doing anything on the phone. So make sure to put the phone to sleep yourself after a reboot or do something like got to a webpage or whatever before it automatically sleeps after a reboot.

Hopefully Sprint fixes this issue soon.
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