Originally Posted by stanmarsh01
The only thing I miss is the tab key. I used it on almost every webpage to jump to links/fields quickly.
Try this, its over at xda
Install both the certs and the cab file. It allows you to map all the buttons on the device. I mapped tab to a long press of the "Q" button on the keyboard. I made a couple other changes to like one tap of the windows key is dpad down, and one tap of the back key is dpad up, long press of send is leftsoftkey, and long press of end is right softkey. It makes the big screen that much more enjoyable.
As far as the keyboard goes, im more accurate than i first was with my touchpro 1, but i really miss the clicky feed back. This kb is so soft to the touch that i have a tendency to apply too much pressure waiting for a feed back that doesn't happen. Overall, i can see myself adapting to it. I don't really like how the "A" button is furthest left, it makes me hold the device kind of awkward, but im adapting