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Old 10-18-2009, 01:29 PM
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Re: Opinion on physical keyboard

It's funny you asked. I LOVED my 6700 keyboard. But moved to the Omnia and took forever to get used to the onscreen keyboard. I finally did. So coming back to the TP2, what happens? Well I hardly even use the keyboard that I so longed to have back! lol!.... Because of the larger screen size, I'm able to use the onscreen keyboard with one hand and very few errors. But I, too have had to adjust to the physical keyboard layout. I've customized the layout to add tab, cut, copy, select, & paste keys. So all in all, I'm growing to love it more.
Current: Verizon Droid X
- Former Verizon Touch Pro 2
-- Former Verizon Samsung Omnia I910
---- Former Verizon XV6700
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