Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.5 (Microsoft Windows; Windows CE; Opera Mobi/9.5; U; en) VZW:SCH-i910 PPC 240x400)
Originally Posted by jbrittmartin
Originally Posted by winmofreak
well if u want it to ask for the slider each time u wake the phone up, simply hold the end key for 2 seconds and it will go to the slider screen. then press the top button. next time u wake up the device it will present u with the slider screen.
EDIT: i forgot to ask, do u have 6.5? if not, look up S2U2, just make sure u download the wqvga version.
Hope this helps,
thanks for the quick reply.
i forgot to include that i am using a 6.5 ROM and i also am presently using S2U2.
but i'm looking for a screen lock that doesn't have the obvious slider with "slide to unlock" written there... one that uses some hidden gesture on the screen.... something that another person wouldn't know to do if they picked up the phone.
I got ya, just unzip to \Program Files\S2U2\
Thanks to Syrguy, the Slider and border are transparent.