Originally Posted by bornl33t
If every thing said here is true some thing doesn't jive...
vzw is releasing phones with 6.5 preloaded as of last week. IF the omnia is going to have 6.1 then samsung has got to be pissed? I mean why would the average joe buy a 6.1 when a 6.5 is out? Secondly if it is 6.1 then why isn't it out yet? If the answer to this is that the o2 needs to meet vzw's specs and it's taking samsung this long to make vzw happy then I feel it's safe to assume that 6.5 either won't happen or when it does then the o2 will be soon replaced by the next great phone. Look at the omnia, it took vzw until AFTER the news of the o2 coming to vzw to release the GPS fix....
Either way, VZW has taught me patience, I'll wait till it has 6.5 till I jump on the boat....That or I may just skip this one....
The best thing that can happen is for it to be releaded with a 6.1 rom. Remember last time with the omnia that it took untill that official rom update to get any sort of complete rom to work with and to chang back to incase we need to return. If it comes with 6.5 than we wont have that oficial rom dump thyat can be reverted to. Also i think it will not only be fine with 6.1 at first azny way. you can highly customize that any way.