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Old 10-17-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: Sprint dropped price of Touch Pro 2 to $199

Originally Posted by SolApathy View Post
I have a serious concern regarding this topic. In my opinion the OP is posting a link that allows anyone to obtain pricing that Sprint specifically limited to CitiGroup employees. At best it is sketchy. Impersonating an employee of a company to obtain goods at a lower price could be construed as theft or fraud.

If I was Sprint I would immediately send a cease & desist order to PPC Geeks & terminate the contracts of any cellular customer that used fraudulent means to obtain a device at a lower price than advertised.

I am all about getting things as cheap as possible, however I believe this thread crosses a line that PPC Geeks as a site could be held liable for. I would prefer to not put them in such a position. This is a great site, so I recommend we keep topics like this off the site.
If you knew the elements of fraud (contact your lawyer), you would know this does not rise to that level. I'm surprised the lawyer (? lol) in this thread did not point this out.... (I worked in law for many years...)

I would suggest this might rise to the level of improper moral conduct. I've been struggling with that all day as I've played with my touch pro 2 I got for $199 (flat). IMO the phone is worth about that... that was the price I was going to pay, so that was the price I got it for.

I'm not sure about others, but I'm of the mind that sprint knows about stuff like this... it seems too convenient to me...

Same people like you were complaining when sero hit... years later we find out from the sprint ceo sero was "marketing" for sprint. Hmm... ironic.

Giving sprint's history, this latest "special" could be their latest marketing gimmick. Don't you agree that is possible? LOL

Bottom line is you are fast to criticize without fully thinking about the subject.

Last edited by mobilevader; 10-17-2009 at 09:31 PM.
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