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Old 10-17-2009, 07:48 PM
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Re: Help! My touch pro is getting bricked (or is already?)

I was having this same problem and for the life of me couldn't get the TriColor Bootloader to stay on the screen more than a few seconds. My problem was caused by some hiccup when trying to relock the phone via the flash card. (I had a signed rom loaded, but the relock flash failed and stuck at the loading screen after the TriColor screen flashed by quickly.)

The trick / key thing that I got out of this thread here was that I needed to remove my MicroSD card. After that I was able to install the latest Sprint HTC Maintenance Release using my PC / USB method. Then I ran the relocker via USB this time and it relocked just fine. I now have the .0's version.

Thanks yet again to this forums and all the folks that contribute to it. Having a summary of this kind of stuff helps a lot. It would be nice to have a note added to one of the stickies that reminds people to remove the microSD card if they are trying to recover their device or if they are trying to perform a USB flash. (While it isn't always required for a USB flash, it couldn't hurt in making sure which rom gets loaded.)
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