Originally Posted by stormseek
how the hell do i save my batteries
Huh? Have you even tried searching? Not to be rude but the way you are kinda going at this the wrong way. No one here minds helping, but there is a way to ask for it. Searching this thread would have yielded you all the ansewrs you need and then some. There are links in the 4th or 5th post, just down from where you hit the dowlnload link to get this BadArse FREE ROM you seem to imply to be running, which one of the greates ROM cooks ever labors his time and effort in to for nothing in return but a thank you.
I'll help you out a bit in case the sites earch feature isn't working you won't have to go to google. Maxxs batt tweak cab, Lumos (Not just installed, but configured after installation), Radio if need be. You can find all the goodies in this thread, or back out of the thread and click the paperclip next to the thread title.
I get all day and then some with pretty reg use all day.
Hope this helps. Stay NRGized