Originally Posted by olgreg20
so after talking to assurion, countless sprint reps, in person and over the phone. and talking to ecare, i was told that it is " IMPOSSIBLE", yes i was told exactly that, IMPOSSIBLE to get my diamond replaced with the touch pro 2. im pretty boggled, with that, they still insist on replacing it with a htc touch. even after i explained how ridiculous that offer was, they would not reaplce it with anything comparable, other than another refurbished diamond, which in my personal opinion dont last more than 3 months....and i say that becuase ive been through 3 refurbished diamonds. i think its time to say good byw to sprint. and move over to at&t and get their tp2...which is more attractive looking than sprints.
You totally confused me with your prior posts
You originally said that Sprint wanted to replace your Diamond with a Touch.
Now you sat that Sprint WON'T replace your Diamond with a Pro 2, BUT will only replace your Diamond with a Refurbed Diamond
Am I missing something here, or am I that Slow?