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Old 10-16-2009, 09:33 PM
MikeElGiga23's Avatar
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Re: Sprint HTC Hero Text Messaging Problem

I did a master reset, havent touched any task manager apps, updated profile and prl and it seems like its working again. The problem is that there is a 5-10 minute delay from when i send it from another phone till i recieve it. Seems a bit much to me but at least it works. Sprint said its a top priority for them and should come up with a solution very soon

Ill keep you guys posted and ill also call tech and complain to get the message across. (thanx for the tip) i suggest everyone experiencing this issue in some shape of form to do so also to really make then fix it. IMO it has something to do with the patch sprint added. to make android cdma compatible since it doesnt officially support it till 1.6
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