Originally Posted by BrianBaker
Just thought id ask another question here as we wait.This is something I couldnt find in the three faces guide so im guessing this is just the way this phone handles these things,here it goes.
When someone sends me a MMS Voice message i get a message telling me to dial ''this'' number to hear my message.Is this the only way i can recieve voice mms?My fiances cheap-o samsung exclaim recieves audio texts right from the phone with out having to dial a number....Any way to get my phone working this way?Were on Sprint by the way
Yes I've gotten that message but the sender was sending me a "joke" number to call to listen to something "funny". I never use MMS Voice messages so I ran a test. Sent two messages to myself and both came into the phone as an attatchment, no number to call. Now I couldnt retrieve them from Touch Flo, I could see the message and the paperclip indicating a file but had to go into the SMS/MMS inbox to listen to the sound file.