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Old 10-16-2009, 06:40 PM
MikeElGiga23's Avatar
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Sprint HTC Hero Text Messaging Problem

ok i found the first issue with the Hero and its a doozie.... there is a problem with text messages not working especially when memory is low and Android force closes processes to free up memory kills your ability to recieve text messages all together. Since i bought this phone i sent like 3 messages and recieved none. At first i thought nobody wrote to me till my GF told me that the indeed did and a few to be exact. This is not a small issue and needs to be addressed. Also, stay away from task killer apps in market cuz these also create this problem when it closes everything without exception... I uninstalled the task killer, rebooted and the problem remains, ima take it to sprint in a minute but, wow what a way to rub me the wrong direction...

there is another thread on this and it looks like to be a common problem that Sprint is prioritizing on...
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