Originally Posted by jshaas2
You mentioned Mike. There are many, many reg edits and other fixes that have helped various chefs have differing battery life. Some ROMs do better than others, and i've told someone else, for all this "eye-candy bling" these type of rom will drain faster than a standard 6.5 or certainly 6.1.
In my personal view though, i've tried several 6.5.1 roms over a 3-4 day period, and this rom does drain much faster than others. It's not the TP, because we all know it doesn't have a great battery life, but certain roms squeeze a bit more out than others.
Ok here is my $.02, every ROM is different as is every user and their battery usage. Since the TP has know overheat and battery drain issues, you will need to tweak accordingly. Some of it you can't change but for those things you can, you will have to try a combo of tweaks. I have seen over and over that my battery responds differently on the same rom depending on the tweaks vs apps used. In other words, certain batt tweaks work better for cert app usage. I think it is just a balancing act for each user because Johns great battery tweak isn't necessisarily Sallys

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