I'm using Helmi's wm6 os build 071108 and cooked up my own kitchen and it works extremely well on my 6700. The radio is better since it's operating at 1.43. Haven't tried mms yet but everything seems to be working really good right now. I also cooked up a performance setting on the apache so it's working off either 520 mhz or 624. NO freeze up's or anything. I got : a performance setting, ext rom unlocker, netcf 2.0, audiomanager, camera album, htc home today plug, pocket rar, adobe reader, cleartemp, a transcriber, notes, tcmpt player, streaming media (for youtube) and yahoo go. I also loaded these cab files too: weatherpanel, wp phatfinger, htc home customizer, my pcket calc. (scientific calc), vjcandela(flashlite), phm registry editor
I hope this may help someone since I'm with alltel too.