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Old 10-15-2009, 02:59 PM
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Re: Stock Sprint ROM available here.

Originally Posted by eman View Post
I was simply asking the poster why this project is being kept so secretive. It had nothing to do with you.

Why are the most disrespectful people on here are the ones that are telling everyone else to have patience. Do you think you have the right to be rude because you are not asking for an update? How is it by calling me a douche any better then me asking for an update for something I donated to? If you do not have something nice to say then move on!

If the unlocker group does not want to post any updates or respond to any posts, that is up to them and them only and it will be my choice to donate in the future based on this......
I'll keep it simple because I lost my response
don't be a douche. THe members on these sites may be open for information, but if its not released to the public, there is a reason.
You want an update, send a PM, send an email but if a member has answered already the discussion should be closed. But that's not good enough. Just leave well enough alone because there is a lot of compromise with releasing a lot of this information/oem/unlocker/unshipped roms whatev
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