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Old 10-15-2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by adiehlman View Post
is there a new radio. Also I am not able to update my PRL and the in Call recorder doesnt work. Also what can I do about my Picture Mail?
I have it all configured perfectly, this new ROM. Here's what I got:

Picture Mail - I posted how ot get it working - the steps in my Guide are still good. I know what the change log says...ignore it, install the removal cab, soft reset, install arcsoft, soft perfectly [directions and cabs are in my Guide or Thread in my sig].

GPS - no fact, I think it's quicker.

RADIOS - there's a radio thread here at PPCGEEKS with everything you need to change radios:

PRL Update - I wouldn't mess with this unless you need to, but the cabs and instructions for updating are also in my Guide.

The only bug fix that isn't in my Guide yet was posted by Blockhead yesterday, regarding the TXT and EMAIL buttons on the physical keyboard. YOu need to download the program he posted - it will show up in your system folder I think once for it. Then you can use that to map those buttons. I'll work on a step by step...or a fix...eventually.

BATTERY STUFF - yea, I mean, the ROM is not known for strong battery life...we all know. There are some tweeks listed in my Guide along with recommendations for how to improve battery life...but its dependant on the individual user and their location [in terms of what features ar emost often used and how solid their signal is...roaming constantly vs always having agood signal].

Oh, and you should still use the #777 "suspendresume" reg edit for the dialer, which I think is baked in. Check it.

...and I can confirm, Tachi Dialer issues persist.

I don't ever use IN Call Recorder, but I tested it and it doesn't seem to work. I don't know if it ever maybe someone else can help, or offer a recommendation for another program to use to do it.

OK...hope some of that helps.

More stuff that works:

Panoramic Wallpaper.
Compact Homescreen [Im using "v2b"]
MyLocation Weather

Last edited by ThreeFaces; 10-15-2009 at 12:21 PM.
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