Originally Posted by jimt29
OK, no replies.
I think I found an answer!
Ok then what is your solution?
But just one thing, its fairly useless to ask a question but not give any details about anything. For example, what ROM are you using? What version of M2D are you using? And what version of WinMo are you using?
There are weather panel programs that update the weather and many other resources. In Titanium Weather for WM 6.5, there is a setting for how often you want the weather to auto-update. In HTC there are settings for the weather to automatically download each time you go to the weather tab...
If you are using WM6.5 and M2D2, this is a heavily discussed issue in a couple of threads. Some people are having issues with the home screen weather updating and even the weather tab updating.
If this is your problem, my understanding is that if you are a CDMA user then there is a script that updates the home weather automatically every 15 minutes, based on the weather tab.
But just so you know, people on here need to know more about what you are using before they can answer a question.