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Old 10-15-2009, 09:48 AM
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Frozen Imagio on 2 different units

First of all, hello to all, I'm new around here.

I picked up an Imagio on the day it launched. It worked fine for a couple of days, then without any warning, the screen froze up on me. Soft resets and pulling the battery had no effect. The phone would just boot up but not respond to the touchscreen. I did a hard reset and that solved the problem, although I lost all my user data and had to reload everything from scratch.

That phone worked for another couple of days until it suddenly froze up again. Working with Verizon tech support, they concluded that my phone should be replaced and promptly sent out a replacement.

The 2nd Imagio worked fine for about 2 days until the same thing just happened. I'm not seeing any forum posts from anyone else having this problem, so I'm wondering if I could be doing something to cause this to happen. FWIW, the last time this happened I was just rearranging some of the tabs in Touchflow. There were no other programs running in memory at the time.

Here is the list of programs I have installed so far. In all cases, I copied the cab files to the device and installed from there.

- .NET compact framework 3.5
- Kinoma FreePlay
- ICS Install
- WMWifirouter
- Total Commander

Any help or insight is appreciated.
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