Re: |HERM|6.5|WWE|** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 14th | Manila 2.1
Originally Posted by ProfEngr
I've done the 'flashdance' w/ 10/14 on my TP about 4 times now. Various levels of "success" each time. I just finished downloading from the last link that was posted (Thanks!) and am going to try 1 more time. Seems GPS is completely unhappy and I get the #777 username/password invalid error alot (even on the STOCK ROM)    . I like running the latest NRG, but I'll drop back to 920 or 1013 if I have to. Just finished a stock flash, HR, and SR. Here goes with 1014. Hope it works.
Well try my fix for the GPS, you might need to go back to a previous ROM to make it work. GL
Some Samsung fold phone > Treo 600 > Treo 650 > Treo 700p > Treo 755p > HTC Touch Pro > HTC EVO
ROM: DamageControl 3.1.2
Radio: Stock +upgrade (for now)