I've done the 'flashdance' w/ 10/14 on my TP about 4 times now. Various levels of "success" each time. I just finished downloading from the last link that was posted (Thanks!) and am going to try 1 more time. Seems GPS is completely unhappy and I get the #777 username/password invalid error alot (even on the STOCK ROM)

. I like running the latest NRG, but I'll drop back to 920 or 1013 if I have to. Just finished a stock flash, HR, and SR. Here goes with 1014. Hope it works.
Edit: Decided to see if anything was broken in 6.1 first. Data definitely is. Went to the dialpad and it says "Initial programming required" in yellow. Never had that come up before now so I'm going to try *228 opt 1.