Originally Posted by twisteddan
Would you happen to know if installing the faster 3D graphics cab has an affect on battery life?
Yes, it seems to impact the battery life a little negatively.
I don't mind though, It's soooo worth it. I've even Converted this to module and use it as my only driver selected in the kitchen.
Speakin' of modules...
Psyki, I did convert almost all of those modules back to files, though I haven't hacked at the EXT to find which one does the breaking.
This is my current module list that I converted:
SIP - IME_Engine_Western_2_0_344220_00
SIP - IME_EzInput_Western_2_0_JUICY47_01 ;Do note remove
System - SpbPocket+(4.1.0)edited
System - DShow 2.0.1916.3429.00