Re: Lioryte Base Model T 23069= Base β ROM=β theme+ β mortscript
Updated to 23069
New in this version:
WM Dialer in- Samsung Dialer out
For some time now I have been getting some issues with the Samsung Dialer. I have tried my version, Adrenalyn's and Samsung's but I have been getting the same issues with all of them. I always used the Samsung dialer because of the lock screen feature I liked and because the WM dialer, in the past have been giving me the same issues as the Samsung Dialer is giving me now.
So I have tested the WM dialer, made some tweaks and it's working up to my taste. Also the scrolling down contacts issue is gone and now they are visible and readable.
Only problem is the lock screen while using the dialer. In post 2 I've posted 2 solutions for now, try 'em out and see how they work for ya.
Also just an FYI all since the developer of this skin is gone missing- I'll stop making the Model T's after this build unless I get the skin and the support I need from him. I'll still make my BASE ROM and if you'll miss the model T I'll add some links in post 2 that will make it pretty much the same.