Originally Posted by nuelo
Hi Guys,
What are the chances that the wifi chip isn't dead but rather its just the EEPROM contains a corrupted MAC address for the wifi card?
I am experiencing the same problem. I switch on wifi. I get the little tower icon but no reception signal lines. In the wifi config window it doesn't detect any hotspots.
I was reading through this thread and it appears that others have had the same problem (on various other HTC devices) but were able to repair it using the method in the thread. What do you think?
Has anyone gotten the chance to look into this for the titan/mogul? (I have the same problem on my titan - I get a 'dead' antenna icon, no networks detected). I'm going to do some heavy research on this after I get some free time (might not be soon) and then check to see whether my antenna is shorted or broken.