Well, on a scale of 1-10 I would say a "9!" The Faq covered just about everything that you would need to know about the kitchen & how to customize the rom! The only problem I had was with this......
Originally Posted by MordyT
Q: If it is already in the kitchen.
Originally Posted by MordyT
A. 2 steps. Step 1: Locate the folder with the files in the EXT. Take, for example, Opera.
You would go into EXT/2_Base/ Opera_Browser_9_50_17289_0. Open the folder. You will see a file called app.dat. Edit this file with notepad. The third to last line reads “Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Multimedia"):-File("Opera Browser.lnk","\Windows\Opera Browser.lnk")” (Line 126 with notepad++) (NOTE: In all the app.dat files, “this” line appears towards the end.) Change the word Multimedia “Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Multimedia") to whatever folder you want.
Step 2: Since opera uses a custom icon, we now have to point the custom icon in the right direction also. Goto EXT 6_Silence_Themes. Open the folder (in this case multimedia since that is what we are moving from). Open app.reg Locate the one for Opera. It reads “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Multimedia\Opera Browser.lnk]
"Icon"="\\windows\\OperaMobile.png"". Change Multimedia to the new folder.
I couldn't follow because its all together and not step by step! Plus I'm really not familiar with that function!
A couple of the programs I tried to put in the rom didn't come out either & I dont know why! Any help on that?!
But overall the faq is THE BOMB! Everything you would need to know about the kitchen is in there for that matter!