Originally Posted by nilsm
I own both and agree with you here.
I'm really interested to hear from you which cons turned you away from the pre. Info like this really helps people.
The lack of PDF file editing, and video were 2 main ones. I knew the phone did not have video before I bought it, but I was banking on it having it on the next update. It also did not sync with my work email ( did not know that before I purchased it). The keyboard definitely took some getting used too, but once I installed the onscreen keyboard it ran smoothley. I honestly loved the phone and saw the potential, but it just fell short on a work level. If I did not have to have cetain things for work then I would have kept it just to wath it develop. Oh I almost forgot the signal on the phone was sub par. Where my wife gets signal on her treo pro I was still searching for service. The phone is a great concept, but just did not fit my needs