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Old 10-13-2009, 01:58 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Yeah. I have figured out that .CAB files install directly to the device. I have been able to install one simple program but it seems that everything else I have tried to do won't work including .NET updates. I'm trying to get .NET 3.5 and after downloading it comes up with an error saying that it's unable to install because of certificates but all of my certificates are up to date. I know that so far I haven't been able to do a windows update. When I try to do that it comes up saying that I need to check my data setting and to check to make sure the device date and time are correct because it can't connect to the server. I made sure to unclick use my data plan so that I can use my WiFi or have it hooked up to my computer but it doesn't seem to work.