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Old 10-13-2009, 09:38 AM
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Re: [ 10-13 ][ v4 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by jljone0 View Post
Thanks for the quick reply! But I've tried clicking everywhere on the clock (and I just tried specifically clicking all around the minute side) and I can't get it to drop down.
When I get home from work this afternoon, I'll try re-downloading the kitchen and starting from scratch.

I had another issue with my first rom. I included the new messaging client, which I like for texting, but the email panel in Titanium already had an account setup (something about MSG or something - it was late) and I couldn't open it to delete the account or create a new one. Anyone else experience this?
I am running 23064 and the only way i got the task manager to work is to hold down on the clock for a few seconds, then it pops up. now the prob is it doesnt do it everytime but more times than not it works
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