for first,
NagROM - thanks 4 hudge work.
And questions (noob questions, imho, but...):
i download and install [ROM][Updated 10/11/09]NagROM[WM6.5.1 Build 23064]
1. can i return old HTC Home? With new ROM i have on "desktop" new clock, calendar and horizontal bar with icons. But i need old HTC Home and my Inesoft Home.
2. can i change power of light (in old HTC Home was icon)? its very critical...
3. can i remove so programs: Marcetplace, MSN Money etc?
4. if program has not ok button or X button - how can i his sut down? red hard button does not work
5. i not adjust hard button camera with installing
6. with new start menu i need accustomed))
please, answer me so simple, i very bad speak english))
thanks 4 all.
Sorry 4 my english)))