Originally Posted by horndoctor
Oh for crying out loud !The reason why Sprint is replacing TPs for TP2s is because the TP had so many hardware design flaws. The Diamond doesn't have these issues. Geez people, stop trying to jump on the "gimme something for nothing" train!Do you people do the same thing with everything you use? When you use a car for a couple years and you start having mechanical problems do you call and complain to the car manufacturer that you aren't happy and they should give you the newest model!? Where does it end!?
hahaha pent up anger? maybe the person whe posted the question has had just as many problems with the diamond as i have, ive gone through 4 so far and not becuase i broke them its been speaker problems. buttons not working, the vibration on it goes out... ask before you jump on the "im gonna judge you before i know the whole story" train.