Originally Posted by vesty16277
So I am kind of upset about this. I got my TP brand new and have kept it in perfect condition. I unlocked it and had been running custom roms since March with no issues. This weekend my hardware keyboard stopped working on me. The first time i was able to fix with just a soft reset. The second time I had to power it off and take out the battery. Third time I did a hard reset to get it back. Finally it just gave out all together. So I figured maybe a new rom would work, nope still didn't fix it. So maybe back to sprint? Nope...........so I ordered a new one through advance exchange........realized I needed to relock the device. Rebooted..........now the keyboard is working again????? Should I take the refurb or attempt to cancel my order? I'm afraid if the ribbon is loose or something it may act up again. Any ideas?
Take the replacement unless you want to have the keyboard keep working and not working. It will go out eventually.