Originally Posted by Veritech_910
Another thing to consider too is that with a brand new phone sittin in your hands you're gonna play with it and click this and test that and tweak here and there and dip into the registry and restart it and alllllllllllll sorts of fun stuff like that when you get it. Once the "new-ness" of the phone wears off and you use your phone as you would normally you'll see that it's not as bad as you initially thought. My girlfriend complained about her battery when she got her TP2 but I told her to give it a week then talk to me. I was right lol. 
Couldn't agree with you more. I've finally stopped messing with my phone every waking second and have noticed a much improved battery life. Woke up at 6---use activesyc continuously with Microsoft exchange, some txting, some calls, and I'm just now at 50% battery life. So far so good.