Originally Posted by lafester
did you have to do anything different in order to get the skin to show?
copied the .txt file to skins folder but still showing old skin.
i hate stock roms... seems like nothing wants to work as it should.
Which txt file did you copy? I think I had to rename something. I only used the "01" files, you know?
Like the landscape one for wvga was named skin-02-wvga-land-02-eng.txt but I renamed it to skin-02-wvga-land-01-eng.txt to replace the one that was there.
I dont quite understand what the "01" and "02" is. I think that you are supposed to be able to cycle thru 2 different keyboard layouts but I cant figure out how to get that working (yes, I see the option for NextLayout/Digits, though it doesn't seem to change anything that I can see), nor do I care.