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Old 10-12-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cricket ROM

I'm sorry, (and confused) .. Maybe i'm special? or maybe it IS actually the phones (which I can't see how it could be?)

I have used the cabs with pretty much every rom on the current main page (and including the 6.1 cricket rom) and have no issues with the battery icon or whatever it is seems to be ailing ...

I can also say my Sprint Touch Pro will NOT hard reset using down/enter buttons or thru *776 or whatever code that is...

Same goes to all these threads where some works for some and others, it don't work going thru the exact same steps, I have no clue.

But if I had a camcorder, I could wipe my device, load a rom, load the cabs i listed, and pop right on sending mms and w/o batt. issues, all within about 10 mins start to finish using any rom on here.

So yea, i dunno, "I FIGURED" it should work for everyone as there is no error to a tiny mistake editing the registry and so ferth since the cab does it all for you..

Anywhoooooooo ... what i will do in the next day or too ... I am currently using NFSFAN clean rom, i will do a spb backup full, and upload it, so all you have to do is just install NFSFAN rom and run my backup, and then you can check and play with all the settings I have and see where what if anything differs.. in setup and registry or wherever.

Like I say I just click and go, and it werks perfectly fine on any rom i use, but, JP, if i follow your post, i can't get nothing out.. BUT it works for you..

It's just weirddddddddddddddddd..... but whatever..

MMS is nice, but someone get us from behind that damn 8080 only wap, then i'd be like... "Hello god' ...

You guys rule! I suck! Peace!
Device: Sprint HTC Touch Pro
ROM Version: NFSFAN's CLEAN WM 6.5 21864 (no carrier cabs loaded)
Carrier: Cricket
Radio Version: 1.11.00F

Thanks to all on this site! Awesome Group of People!!!
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