Re: New OEM Sprint rom V. 2.01.651.6
I am using the Sprint Latest ROM 2.01.651.6 on my Sprint Touch Pro in India on Reliance (carrier). Now my question is that I have used the HTC_CM_Killer posted in this topic earlier and it has killed the cm guardian file. Earlier we were manually replacing with a zero byte file. Now with this new rom whenever I reboot and connect to internet, it gives an irritating message of device being configured and tries to connect to, I think, sprint server and then gives error that device could not be configured for this service. Even though the internet connects perfectly with the connection I have set (as we have deleted the Sprint connection).
Is there any solution to this minor irritant so that it does not say go into Device Configuration thing every time...
Last edited by dkaile; 10-12-2009 at 05:04 AM.