Re: Titanium, could someone explain what makes it popular?
put programs to the top of start menu by holding and picking move to top.
And ask for a replacement. it is still under samsungs warrenty you will get a refurbished hand set and you put your back cover and battery on it and its free.
my new phon works way better.
For less headache i have gon back to pre 6.7 roms and went back to 6.5 wich is like adrynlins 3.0 rom
And about android i like it it has potential but beside what apple did as far as user interface i think windows is way ahead of the pack. There is alot more you can do for now and realy escedpt for the hardware you can make a windows mobile phone do and look like any other phone out there. Try to tether on an iphone. I know thats att bhut i do like winmo and as long as better phones keep coming out i will stay