Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
laggy, the things slow, i figured someone giving advice would have one. mogui to hero, youll like the hero, tp with 6.5, you wont. screenshots with the hero are not going to happen to easily, thats a joke also. love to just dl apps for free with wimo, now hero you gota pay. -1
Bad enough that we had to put up with your always negative posts in the WinMo forums, now you're in the Android scene as well?
I picked up my phone on Friday morning, had my gmail and work email setup in a matter of minutes. All my contacts synced over from my Google account. Integration with Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, have all been flawless and fast. Battery life has been great (I'm at 65% right now and off the charger since 7:30 this morning). All in all I have been VERY impressed with this phone compared to my Sprint Diamond or the Mogul I had before it. The only other phone from Sprint that I've used which compares (ease of setup, ease of use) to this is a Pre which my wife owns.
(and I know I need to update me sig...)