Originally Posted by sa_doug
I like the tombstone, but it hides whatever icon it is over. Is there a way to fix this?
and the haunted house walllpaper is perfect. Thanks
Originally Posted by sa_doug
Sorry winmo, I was a little vague on the tombstone problem. I've got your slider with the skulls, pumpkin, and all. I added roots RIP tombstone addon and it hides whatever icon it is on top of. It's not really a problem but more of a preferance. Either way it's totally cool and I can't wait to show it off to my friends. Now we just need the creepy sounds to go with it.
I had the issue with the slider hiding the icons when passing over them rather than showing them on top of the slider.
You have to have Root's NRG FUll set v1 or v2 installed FIRST, then install the halloween slider cab from Winmo, then install the add on v1 or v2 from Root and it will put the icons on top of the slider rather than behind. This was also the case when I attempted to duplicate the issue with the tombstone hidden icons feature by winmo. Seems the NRG full set cab is the key to getting the icons orientated when the slider passes.